Happy New Year to everyone.
We’ve had a great year and all is well in our home.
Xan is doing great. She will be 2 on Jan 26 (can’t believe it) and she is doing all the normal 2 year old things. Her favorite word currently is NO….she can say it in just about any situation, any inflection, and with or without swatting her hand in a hitting motion. When she isn’t saying no she is just the sweetest thing ever. She loves her baby doll, our dog Divot, or Didit as she says, and chapstick. Seriously, I bet we apply it about 20 times a day. She doesn’t like getting her hair washed, getting her nose wiped, or wearing socks. Loves shoes, particularly sparkly ones, but hates socks. She loves chocolate milk, peppermint sticks and ramming rolling toys into her Baba (what she calls Stan….it means Daddy in Chinese). She laughs so hard when he falls over. She is sleeping in a “big girl bed” and she is kind enough to share it with her parents….good thing we have a king size. We keep thinking we’ll move her out but we really do enjoy having her there…she is a great snuggler. She has started asking to teetee on the potty….it has been “productive” only a couple of times but she continues to ask so we’ll just let her go at her own pace. It appears that the highlight of the whole event is getting to unroll the toilet paper in profuse amounts. I never thought I’d have to ration toilet tissue but …. She is absolutely amazing and we can’t believe how good God is to us through her.
She is truly a miracle!
Stan is still at Mount Vintage. He completed the requirements for membership into the PGA this August. I am so proud of my Class A pro. Anyone that knows Stan knows he has to have a goal to shoot for. He is now studying and testing for the next level of certification within the PGA to become a “Certified Professional” in six different career tracks. Most go for one….not Stan….he will have all six. He received his 1st in December and will take the next 2 tests this month. He’ll finish up with the last one in March. He works a lot of hours but still enjoys what he does so it will be exciting to see where God leads him and what doors might be opened with all his certifications.
As for me, I stay home and absolutely love it. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be with Xan each and every day and to see and experience all her “firsts”. I am involved in a Bible study and enjoy helping out with things at our church. We bought a new home in March so I also get to do a little bit of decorating (as the budget allows J). Speaking of budget, God has provided some great opportunities for me to do a little bit of consulting for some MD practices as well as acting as the “assistant” for my very talented friend Heather (photography). I’ve been able to make a little $$ but not sacrifice my time at home with Xan….best of both worlds.
We are also excited that our family will be growing as we have begun the process to adopt again from China. The process has slowed dramatically and it will be 2.5 -3 years before we will actually travel to receive our next daughter. Please pray for that process and for our hearts as we wait. Speaking of adoption, we are also thrilled to be part of a new ministry at our church focusing on orphans and caring for them. We will focus on promoting awareness of orphanages and their needs around the world, foster children and the foster care system here locally, and the miracle of adoption. We are both very passionate about this and are very excited and honored to be used by God in this area. Again, your prayers are needed and greatly appreciates.
Well, that is the latest with the Everitt family. Please let us know how you are all doing and as always, our door is open and the air mattress is ready to blow up….visitors welcome anytime!
HAPPY 2008
Here are some pictures of our New Year's Day.....we spent it cheering on our Red Raiders.