Sunday, March 29, 2009

Proud Mama Moment

OK...I shouldn't be so proud rather I should be thankful but if I'm honest then I'm both. Today after being cooped up in the house for a couple of days (no sickness...I just didn't want to fight the rain) Xan and I ventured out to get a few groceries. We were driving along and out of the blue this was our conversation:
Xan: Momma
Me: (after turning down the radio) Yes, Xan
Xan: I love God.
Me: (Smiling) Me too Xan...and He loves you too.
Xan: Just like my Bible says Momma...I love Jesus.
Me: (Tearing Up) Yes....just like the Bible says. We love Jesus because He loved us.
Xan: I love you Momma.
Me: (Silence and adjust the rearview mirror so she doesn't see her weak mother crying over this ordinary drive to Walmart.)

Have I told you lately how blessed I am to be this little girl's momma.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I have been asking myself this question lately... WHY? Why do I like reading about other peoples lives so much on their blogs. I keep up with my most fav's thru an application called bloglines that list them all in one place and tell me when there are new posts. Yeah...pretty cool huh....well I have 40 blogs on that list. COME I really need to keep up with that many people (most of whom I don't personally know and probably never will). Why am I so interested. I most recently discovered Pioneer Woman and have probably spent no less than 15 hours reading all over that blog. I won't go into detail can get addicted for yourself....but she is a real woman living on a ranch in Oklahoma, homeschooling her 4 kids, cooking and photographing her way thru an isolated way of life and she is hilarious to boot. I have enjoyed it immensely but it has got me to thinking...WHY? Why do I care what these other people do from day to day and more importantly WHY am I not out there making my own life instead of wasting hours reading about others? I don't know the answer and to be honest....not sure I care enough to change my horrible habit. AS long as my DH and DD are fed, have clean underwear and we can at least walk thru the house without tripping over anything then I'll probably keep it up. The one good thing (well I guess it depends on how you look at it) it has encouraged me to try to be a little more frequent with my own posts and not worry so much about each one being some model of literary or pictoral perfection (as if---haha).
I'm not even going to proof read this so if you find a typo then just chalk it up to my new found "blogger" freedom of just doing it. Later-

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Nana

Here is a singing bday from Xan to Nana. Enjoy and know that we love you and miss you terribly.