Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Little "Rock" Star

Well we finally have internet at home now so I should be able to update the blog regularly. I took these pictures the day before we moved into our apartment and had such a good time watching her strike some poses.

Many people that don't really know Xan think that she is very shy and reserved, which is quite true a lot of the time, however she can also be a little ham as these pictures prove.

These artsy rock structures were all along a path that we took during a walk and she definitely enjoyed them.

By the way--today is Mother's Day and I am OH SO BLESSED by the little one that calls me Momma. Thank you LORD for choosing me to be hers!

Chat with ya later......

P.S. Here are some more pics if you are just dying to see more rocks or rock star poses.


Anonymous said...

Great rock star pictures! Even if she is reserved, she's not afraid to strike a pose!

we are the spencers said...

love these!

Tesa said...

Hi Megan and Xan!I think about you almost everyday and sometimes many times a day! I try to imagine all the things you might be doing. Megan, I am so sorry I missed your call the other night. We are adjusting to many changes here. Things are better. I am definitely being stretched, or maybe just flattened like flat Stanly. Either way there can be benefits to both if one allows it. I have a precious husband and am so thankful he will get better. I love all the pictures and updates. Please keep typing. I love your "rock star". Give her a big hug for me and let her know her "kisses" have really been multiplying